Hours: Mon - Sat: 10 am - 4 pm / Sun: 1 pm - 4 pm
Phone : 904.261.7378
The Amelia Island Museum offers special opportunities for School Groups of all ages to come to the Museum, tour exhibits and engage in educational projects. Our renowned Summer Camps also offer week-long experiences for several age groups.
College or graduate school students have the opportunity to apply for Internship at the Museum, spending 8 to 12 weeks interning with us, selecting from many areas of work.
Note: All tour reservations must be made 2 weeks in advance.

TIMUC-A-WHO? (K-5 th grade)
Explore and discover the habits, crafts and lifestyle of Amelia Island’s first residents, the Timucuans, with a trained docent. As you venture through our history garden experience the local agriculture, animal life and items used by natives in their everyday life.
This 1-hour program also includes one of the following hands-on projects:
1. Build a Timucua Village
2. Craft a 3-coiled Clay Pot
3. Design Cultural Masks

This 1-to-1.5-hour tour starts with an age-appropriate lecture on the Timucuans, the first residents of Amelia Island, who greeted Europeans upon their arrival. The second part of the tour takes you to the Margery, our Discovery Ship, to explore our outrageous and exciting history under 8 Flags, with the help of a pirate or two!

This tour starts with a short lecture on the history and architecture of Fernandina, followed by a walking tour of our Historic District. Discover local architectural treasures, revealed through discussion and observation with trained Walking Tour Guides.
Length of event can be customized and specialty groups welcomed!

Summer is a special time on Amelia Island, and one of the favorite activities is Children’s Summer Camp at the Amelia Island Museum of History. Typically held in June, each Camp has a unique theme by age group, filled with hands-on projects and wide-ranging activities both inside and on the grounds of the Museum.
Director of Education, Thea Seagraves, along with long-standing volunteers design the content. Check our event calendar in early spring for full details.
For more details on the above tours, contact Director of Education, Thea Seagraves, at 904.261.7378 x105 or thea@ameliamuseum.org. Tour pricing, reservations requests, scheduling, and other pertinent information offered via email or phone. Group reservations must be arranged at least one week in advance of desired tour date.
Amelia Island Museum of History’s internship program is designed to provide students and recent graduates with a real world, hands-on opportunity to learn about the mechanics of the museum experience. Please note, this is a non-paying internship.

Internships are available in the following categories:
Archival – learn the ins and outs of accessioning, de-accessioning, archive handling and record keeping.
Education/Exhibits – help research an exhibit, create student programming, and schedule lectures through hands-on experience.
Marketing/Creative – Assist with marketing materials design and distribution, exhibit set-up and design, maintenance of social media, and editing a newsletter.
Volunteer/Tours – learn to make recruitment presentations, costumed interactions, tour management, volunteer scheduling
More than one category may be chosen and all internships will also spend time interfacing with board members, researching grants, and attending management level meetings.
Eligibility: A candidate must be a graduate student; an undergraduate student; or have graduated from college within 12 months of beginning the internship.
General Information: Interns are expected to work between 30 and 40 hours per week during an 8 to 12 week internship period. Internships are offered during the summer, fall, and winter/spring semesters. All interns are subject to the applicable employee rules. Interns may receive college credit if an agreement is made between the museum and the intern’s college or university. To apply please complete the below application. For more information contact Phyllis Davis at 904.261.7378 x101 or phyllis@ameliamuseum.org.